Home Services Installation and Installation Supervision

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Plant Design

Installation and Installation Supervision


The equipment supplied will be installed by MDM technicians, with support from the human resources and utilization of the facilities of the plant. This approach will also be the OJT for both the resident process and maintenance personnel. During the installation period, a group of supervisors (electrical and mechanical) will be leading the team of installation workers.


All the mechanical/electrical workshop facilities and the required lifting/handling equipment (cranes, mobile cranes, fork-lifts) shall be made available by the client free of charge during the period of installation and start-up.


A start-up period of 3-4 weeks is in general sufficient for the CRPM plant. However, for the on the job training of the operations and maintenance personnel 3 more weeks are included in the offer to ensure a perfect process training.



Training & Documantation

Maintenance & Spare Parts


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